- Gaelic
- Gambling
- Gardens & gardening
- Gardens and gardening
- Gay & lesbian literature & writers
- Gender - Literary portrayal
- Gender roles
- Generation of '68 (Poets)
- Genre fiction
- Geographic isolation
- George Cross
- German history
- German literature & writers
- Ghosts
- Gifts
- Glaskin, Gerald Marcus
- Globalisation
- Gods
- Gold & gold mining
- Gossip
- Gothic
- Government policies
- Greek myths
- Grenville, Kate
- Growing up
- Grunge literature
- George Eliot
- Gwen Harwood
- George Johnston
- Guatemala
- Global North
- Global South
- Genocide
- Gerard Lee
- Gerald Murnane
- Gail Jones
- Gérard Genette
- Gough Whitlam
- Ghosts of History
- Grassland
- Gendered Violence