
Standard Submissions

ALS welcomes scholarly essays of between 5,000 and 7,000 words in length. We invite essays of literary scholarship not limited to Australian works and authors; we are interested in essays on the history and future of literary criticism within and outside the academy. Essays must have a strong sense of the significance of the research presented, and of the nature of the essay's intervention in the field.

Essays must not have been published previously, or be under consideration elsewhere.

Australian Literary Studies follows the current (eighth) edition of the MLA Handbook, using parenthetical documentation and a list of Works Cited. Where an essay makes extensive use of unpublished materials, it is preferable to use footnotes to reference this material.

Single inverted commas are used.

Please include an abstract of no more than 250 words.

In agreeing to publish an essay with ALS, the author grants ALS a perpetual licence to publish the work. This licence is exclusive for a six-month period from the date of publication, after which date republication is permitted on request to author and editor. Copyright in the intellectual content of the work remains with the author. ALS retains copyright in the formatting and appearance of the published paper.

Please submit essays here as Word documents.

Special Issues

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EOI: ALS Book Reviews Project

ALS wants to broaden our pool of academics and critics willing to review new scholarly and non-fiction books about Australian literary cultures and/or by Australian authors/contributors. We publish single-book reviews of approximately 1000-2000 words. We are also interested in submissions of longer, peer-refereed review essays.

For emerging and early career scholars, the publication process of submitted reviews will include mentoring in academic publishing from our editorial team.

For reviews by unwaged, precariously employed, or HDR colleagues, we offer payment of $200 for published reviews.

ALS values diversity and is committed to broadening participation in Australian scholarly and literary cultures. We particularly welcome expressions of interest from academics and critics of diverse backgrounds. Please indicate your interest by completing the Google form found here.