Translating for the Australian Stage (A Personal Viewpoint)


Translating for the stage is a peculiar business, different from translating the novel, essay or poem and it raises many questions, especially pertinent now when there is a 'proliferation' of foreign language translations and adaptations into English. Already we have struck a problem; just what do we mean by translation or adaptation for the stage? This is no abstract question but one that has a real bearing on the duty of the play translator in defining what constitutes a translation or adaptation. In defining these terms one is also helping to distinguish the contribution of those involved, plus helping an audience to determine how much of the original they are seeing.

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Published 1 May 1982 in Volume 10 No. 3. Subjects: Australian theatre, Drama, Literary adaptations, Translations & translating.

Cite as: Nowra, Louis. ‘Translating for the Australian Stage (A Personal Viewpoint).’ Australian Literary Studies, vol. 10, no. 3, 1982, doi: 10.20314/als.599cad11d1.