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Archive 2018
Literary Aspiration and the Papers of William Gosse Hay
9 July 2018
Economies of Childhood in Nineteenth-Century Australia: Catherine Helen Spence’s Short Fiction for Children
9 July 2018
Review of Elizabeth Harrower: Critical Essays, edited by Elizabeth McMahon and Brigitta Olubas
9 July 2018
Reading the South Through Northern Eyes: Jorge Luis Borges’s Australian Reception, 1962–2016
9 July 2018
‘Adjusted’ Vision: Interwar Settler Modernism in Eleanor Dark’s Return to Coolami
9 July 2018
Review of Antipodal Shakespeare: Remembering and Forgetting in Britain, Australia and New Zealand, 1916-2016, by Gordon McMullan and Philip Mead, with Ailsa Grant Ferguson, Kate Flaherty, and Mark Houlahan
9 July 2018
Eurydice’s Curse: J. M. Coetzee and the Prospect of Death
25 February 2018
Magda Meets Theodora: Language and Interiority in The Aunt’s Story and In The Heart of the Country
25 February 2018
Coetzee’s Womanizing
25 February 2018
The Communion of Clouds: Becoming-Woman in Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians
25 February 2018