An R.H. Horne Poem on Burke and Wills
The centenary of the funeral of Burke and Wills affords an occasion to look back upon a poem Home wrote to celebrate their story. It was printed in the Sydney Morning Herald on 19 February, 1863. This was the first poem he had written and published in Australia, about something Australian, after eleven years of residence in the country. It was not republished or even noticed, and possibly it was merely tossed off as a bit of topical verse journalism.
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Published 1 December 1963 in Volume 1 No. 2. Subjects: Australian poetry, Exploration & explorers of Australia (Land).
Cite as: Elliott, Brian. ‘An R.H. Horne Poem on Burke and Wills.’ Australian Literary Studies, vol. 1, no. 2, 1963, doi: 10.20314/als.31e567dfdb.